Comprehensive Eye Exam

Please Note: A regular Eye Exam might not include all the steps a Comprehensive Eye Exam has. Please consult our optometrists for details of the eye exam.
Step 1: Eye Focusing, Eye Teaming, and Eye Movement Testing

Assessment of accommodation, ocular motility and binocular vision determines how well the eyes focus, move and work together
Step 2: Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy

Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy is performed to examine the outer structures of the eye, such as the cornea. This is important to test for ocular inflammation and infections. Conditions, such as dry eye, can affect a patients vision and ability to wear contact lenses.
Step 3: Trial Frame Refraction

A trial frame is an adjustable spectacle frame that includes cells into which all the various lenses required to measure a patient’s Ametropia, Heterophoria and accommodation can be placed.
Step 4: Diagnosis and Evaluation

At the completion of the examination, your optometrist will assess and evaluate the results of the testing to determine a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. He or she will discuss with you the nature of any visual or eye health problems found and explain available treatment options.